Friday, November 6, 2009

Thursday, Friday and Saturday... Please shoot me!

I sit here so tired, actually tired doesn't even describe it. The last few days have being nothing but craziness, funniness and a little awesomeness.
Thursday afternoon the boyfriend came over after work and had decided we'd go to his sister's school play, sounded pretty fun. I've never being to a school play so I was rather excited, even decided i'd get a little trendy and wear a jumpsuit. Bad Idea.
Halfway between my house and the boyfriend's house the car broke down. Wouldn't start at all. RACQ was called and we waited, waited for what seemed like hours. In that time I really had to go to the toilet. Luckily or not so luckily, i'm still not so sure, the car had broken down beside a heap of bushy, grassy land. I've never being camping, pretty much because i've never wanted to have to pee anywhere but a toilet but I had to go really bad. I've now done the whole squating in a bush experience, not something I really want to do again anytime soon but it was different.
Once RACQ came and told us they couldn't fix the car, we than had to wait for a tow truck to come, we got towed to the boyfriend's house, than had his mum drive us all the way back to my house. Got home at around 10:30pm.
Work on Friday's is never good, everything has to be cleaned, I get annoyed, my boss just gets cranky because no one will pack her car for her.
It felt neverending. I'd purchased tickets to see he hilltop hoods months ago so that was a little release. I can't say i'm the biggest hip hop fan but Australia has some good hip hop artists. The hilltop hoods are probably the best in Australia at the moment. It was worth every cent, apart from the whole being short and not seeing much.
As of right now it's Saturday afternoon and i'm tired, nothing has being sorted out. I'm just waiting out the rest of the year.
A nap would be wonderful.

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